dear blogger...
i am in-love... sebenernya udah lama sejak film dia yang pertama
The Transporter,, setelah itu
Crank dan
Italian Job... dan film terbarunya adalah
The Expendablesjust love his body and rabel face but mostly i love the way he act @ the movie..
meet my love
Jason Statham
Biography:Lahir pada tahun 1972 di Sydenham, Lewisham, London, putra kedua dari seorang penyanyi lounge dan penjahit-yang berpaling menjadi-penari, Statham telah melakukan cukup banyak dalam waktu singkat. Ia dibesarkan, awalnya, mengikuti jejak orangtuanya untuk menguasai seni teater jalanan. Statham mengembangkan minat dalam olahraga, khususnya diving, yang membuatnya menjadi seorang atlet yang sangat baik dalam dunia olahraga. Dia telah menjadi Diver Olimpiade di Tim Nasional Inggris Diving selama dua belas tahun dan telah menyelesaikan 12 kejuaran di Kejuaraan Dunia pada tahun 1992.
Dia juga telah menjadi model fashion, salesman pasar gelap dan akhirnya tentu saja, aktor. Dia ditemukan oleh seorang agen pencari bakat yang mengkhususkan pada atlet saat pelatihan di London's Crystal Palace Pusat Olahraga Nasional. Dari sana ia menjadi model bagi merek pakaian Connection Prancis. Ia mendapatkan debut audisi untuk peran sebagai Bacon in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels melalui French Connection. Mereka menjadi investor utama dalam film dan memperkenalkan Jason ke Guy Ritchie, yang mengundangnya untuk audisi untuk ambil bagian setelah belajar tentang masa lalu Statham's, dan Jason mendapat perannya.
Film ini diterima dengan baik oleh kritikus dan khalayak, yang membantu melontarkan pelaku tak dikenal ke mata publik. Dari sana ia mulai bekerja dengan Guy Ritchie lagi dan orang-orang besar lainnya dalam bisnis seperti Brad Pitt dan Jet Li, hanya untuk beberapa nama. Peran paling menonjol dibintangi Jason adalah sebagai peran utama pengemudi Frank Martin dalam film aksi The Transporter yang membuat Anda memperhatikan aktor brilian ini.
Quick FactsFull Name: Jason Statham
Date of Birth: September 12, 1972
Birthplace: Sydenham, Lewisham, London, England
Height: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Notable Past Relationships: Kelly Brook, Sophie Monk
Salary: The Italian Job (2003) $450,000 / The Transporter (2002) $750,000
Fovourite actors are Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson & Clint Eastwood.
Fav cars : Old Aston Martins, the BB5’s. Big fan of those and the early Jags, the XK120’s, E Types, just to mention a few British cars.
Drives a 2008 GT2 Porsch & Audi
Prior to The Transporter (2002) he already had a background in martial arts which enabled him to perform his own fight sequences.
Did nearly all of his own stunts in The Transporter (2002), including car chase sequences, scuba diving sequences and fight sequences.
Was originally set play Private Cooper in Dog Soldiers (2002), but dropped out to star in Ghosts of Mars (2001). The role went to Kevin McKidd.
Offered the role of Agent 47 in Hitman after Vin Diesel was dropped from the project. Timothy Olyphant eventually took the role.
Quotes- A lot of action movies today seem to have scenes that just lead up to the action.
- And if people come up and say they like the movies you're in, it's a great compliment.
- And it was a great experience, you know, to travel the world and compete at a certain level. It teaches you discipline, focus, and certainly keeps you out of trouble.
- Guy Ritchie, he thinks going to drama school is the worst thing in the world.
- I definitely want to do that but don't turn my back on anything in Europe, too, because you know I started there.
- I do like California. It's a great place, but I'm never in one place long enough to say this is where I want to make home.
- I endured many weeks of it, but I had a big background in martial arts and fighting as a kid, so kind of all the problems got brushed away and I was ready.
- I love to get behind the wheel and get competitive.
- I pick up a lot of stuff from them, but I don't think there's any great trick to acting.
- I suppose that's the European way, dangerous and hairy.
- I think being a competitive diver for years helps you focus and dedicate yourself to what's needed.
I think it's very important to keep in touch with people that mean a lot to you. (love this the most!!!)
- I used to play a lot of racket sports, tennis and squash.
I'm certainly not Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.(LOL like this!!)
- I'm enthusiastic and ambitious, and I work hard.
- I'm impressed with the likes of Jet Li and Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee was a big hero of mine for many years. They're great influences.
- I've always had that competitive nature, whether it's racing around the track in Mini Coopers or diving off a platform or doing a bit of grappling.
- I've been unfortunate enough to be working, and recovering from a few injuries now and again.
I've come from nowhere, and I'm not shy to go back.(True.. Like this too!!)
- I've never been one to run around in Speedos on the beach.
- If you got a good imagination, a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying, then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors.
- It just seems like the time that I do get off, it so important for me to go back and see my folks and my friends.
- It wasn't actually in the Olympic Games, but I spent 12 years on the national squad.
- It's a Boston Whaler that I was driving. It's more of a fishing boat, so it's not got that much of a responsive action.
- It's something I never dreamed I'd be doing, making movies.
- It's street theater. You have to make it entertaining so people don't get bored and walk away.
- Jet was very busy. I've been inspired by a lot of his movies.
- Living in Hollywood? I think so, because it has more great filmmakers per square inch there than anywhere in the world.
- Look at someone like Edward Norton. A truly phenomenal actor. He's definitely went to school and trained.
- My family's great, like a rock to me.
- My father used to run auctions. He's now a singer in the Canary Islands.
- My first day was on the Champs-Elysees roundabout, which is about five lanes. That was my first day behind the wheel of a French car.
- People like to pigeonhole you.
- People take chances every now and then, and you don't want to disappoint them.
- So I used to put money in my pocket while working on the street corners, selling perfume and jewelry, and other goods that were supposedly expensive.
- The fight training was very extensive, a lot of stretching, a lot of coordination of balance exercises.
- The oil sequence was about two or three days. It was very cold and was snowing.
- The thing about the UK is we don't really make that many great movies.
- We were diving in caves. It wasn't totally safe.
- We're trying to make a movie that's interesting.
- Well, I'm used to rubbing shoulders with crooks and criminals.
- Working on street corners, you don't rub shoulders with producers and directors.
- Yes, I did quite a bit of boat driving.
- You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done.
Filmography- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
- In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale
- War
- Chaos
- Crank
- The Pink Panther
- London
- Revolver
- The Transporter
- The Transporter 2
- The Transporter 3
- Cellular
- Collateral
- The Italian Job
- Mean Machine
- The One
- Ghosts Of Mars
- Snatch
- Turn It Up
- The Expendables